Cancellation & Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Cblu Digital for your digital services. We strive to provide excellent customer satisfaction, and we understand that occasionally circumstances may require the cancellation of services or a refund. This policy outlines the terms and conditions regarding cancellations and refunds.

Cancellation Policy


If you wish to cancel a service provided by Cblu Digital, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. Cancellations requested before the commencement of the service will be eligible for a full refund. However, if the service has already started or completed, refunds may not be available. Our team will assess each cancellation request on a case-by-case basis to determine eligibility for a refund or credit.


For subscription-based services, you have the option to cancel your subscription at any time. Once a cancellation request is received, the subscription will be terminated, and no further charges will be incurred. However, please note that cancellation of a subscription does not automatically entitle you to a refund for any previous subscription fees paid. Refunds for subscription fees will be determined based on the specific terms outlined in the subscription agreement.

Refund Policy


Refunds for services will be considered in the following situations:

  1. Non-Delivery: If, for any reason, Cblu Digital fails to deliver the agreed-upon services, you may be eligible for a full or partial refund, depending on the circumstances.
  2. Unsatisfactory Service: If you are not satisfied with the quality of the service provided by Cblu Digital, please contact our customer support team within [X] days of service completion. We will review your concerns and, if justified, provide an appropriate refund or credit.


Refunds for subscription fees will be considered in the following situations:

  1. Technical Issues: If you experience significant technical issues or interruptions with the subscribed service that cannot be resolved within a reasonable time frame, you may be eligible for a refund or credit for the affected period.
  2. Dissatisfaction: If you are unsatisfied with the subscribed service and wish to request a refund, please contact our customer support team within [X] days of the subscription start date. We will evaluate your request and determine the appropriate refund or credit, if applicable.

How to Request a Cancellation or Refund

To request a cancellation or refund, please contact our customer support team through one of the following channels:

When submitting a request, please provide relevant details, such as your name, contact information, service or subscription details, and a clear explanation of the reason for cancellation or refund.

Changes to the Policy

Cblu Digital reserves the right to modify or update this Cancellation & Refund Policy at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically for any changes. Continued use of our services after any modifications to this policy constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.